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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Read The Bible

I know, I've been a bit slacking with blogging lately. For my readers out there, I missed you and your blogs too. Anyways, if you are wondering what I did while I'm away from my workstation, it is because I've been in a field ministry marathon for two weeks. 

We've been helping others learn the truth from the Bible. I've been in this volunteer work for more than half of my life now. Yes. I started studying the inspired Bible when I was about 8 and started sharing the truth when I was 15. Going out in the ministry is really fun because you get to meet different kinds of people with different personalities and opinions. It's a two way street. You learn from each other's differences. But what's more important is sharing the TRUTH, the truth that sets them free which can ONLY be found in the Bible. 

Once interested, a Bible Study is arranged and a return visit will be scheduled for a 5 minute conversation which is enough time to discuss a certain point or topic in the Bible.  This is actually a therapeutic way of treating yourself from everyday stress caused by life's difficulties. We live 24 hours a day with our occupied minds about matters that robs us from doing what is more important in life. Life that was given to us by the Creator of Life (Ps. 83:18) and who sustains us everyday. Why not set aside a bit of your borrowed time for HIM for a little meditation and relaxation of mind by reading the inspired Bible?

Here's one to catch up with:

Sunday, August 7

God will wipe out every tear from their eyes.—Rev. 7:17.

During his Thousand Year Reign, Jesus will fully live up to all his titles, such as “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isa. 9:6, 7) His Kingdom rule will lift humans to perfection, including those resurrected from the dead. (John 5:26-29) The Messiah will guide willing humans to “fountains of waters of life,” enabling obedient mankind to enjoy a peaceful relationship with Jehovah. (Rev. 7:16) After the final test, all rebels, including Satan and his demons, will be “hurled into the lake of fire.” (Rev. 20:10) How wonderfully and flawlessly Jesus fulfills his role as the Messiah! A paradise earth will be filled with redeemed humans, who will live forever in perfect health and happiness. Jehovah’s sacred name will have been cleared of all reproach, and the rightfulness of his universal sovereignty fully vindicated. What a grand heritage lies just ahead for all who obey God’s Anointed One! w09 12/15 3:18, 19


Julie Ann Lozada said...

goodluck! i'm reading bible every night before i sleep! my mission is to read the bible from cover to cover.

xitsagirlthingx. blogspot.com

Marian said...

Nice to hear from you Julie Ann! Good for you that you make bible reading a goal. That's not hard to achieve. Actually, if you read about 4 pages of the Bible *2 leaves back2back* every day, you can read the entirety of it in just 1 year. Thanks for sharing your 2 cents. <3