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my lovelies

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Chronicles of A First Time Mom

Friday, September 14, 2012

Sporting The Comfy Clarks Shoes

I am now on my way home from a family gathering. I am so starving right now and coupled with the fact that I am having PMS is really making me feel sick to my stomach.

Anyways, before going out today I have decided to wear my black CLARKS shoes because I thought it is perfect for the weather. But it rained so heavy and I ended up wearing a pair of pink rain boots! Anyways, How is your Friday treating you lovelies? I hope it's the exact opposite of the word disaster.

Thank God the rain has finally stopped and it's time for some "nom-om-nom"!. Nevertheless, I am still happy I get to show you a picture of one of my special black shoes! Comfy and strong! In my opinion Clarks are one of the best brands out there all lovely ladies deserves to have. Guys out there should not worry much over thinking what to give their princess. Treat your girl like Cinderella and buy her comfortable shoes! I don't think glass shoes would do you luck. Yes, they're quite costly but they're worth it. In case you're wondering if this post is sponsored, the answer is a big "NO". Just thought you should know about it and check it at the store sometime and try some shoes on. I'm sure you'd be amazed.

How I wish I could take home these foot candies from the store soon!

image src: Clarks USA FB Page

image src: clozette

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