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Chronicles of A First Time Mom

Thursday, January 5, 2012

You + Me = It's better than coffee

Finally! The time has finally come for me to meet my new best bud of the year - my gorgeous Cherry Starbucks planner for 2012. It comes with this chestnut-colored note bag which I so adore. I personally think that the idea of coming up with a wood themed planner for Starbucks is an absolute awesomeness. It not only promote nature awareness with it's program for less fortunate children but also it encourages everyone to take care of our nature. Collecting the 24 stickers is no easy task. I have to be in constant expectation of what drink to indulge in next. By far, soy latte and strawberries and cream made it on top of my list. I never thought how good they taste. So, sharing with you the whole lot of lovely photographs of this amazing brewed coffee story.

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