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Chronicles of A First Time Mom

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Feed Your Skin

I've been seeing a lot of TV commercials and ad campaigns promoting healthy living and processed anti-oxidant products that help nurture that healthy looking glow and I've tried a lot of that. I noticed that there are some product that works but most are just like feeding you inside but doesn't do anything on the outside. I believe that if you want to be beautiful inside and out, you need to simply LISTEN. Listen to others, but most specially listen to your skin. Yeah, our skin basically talks. And we have to learn to interact with it. Listen to what it has something to say and what it wants. Feed it with something it practically needs. It is true that each of us has different skin types. So we need to learn a beauty regimen that befits our skin. Than's when our skin plays its role. 

When I tried St. Ive's Apricot Facial Scrub that's when I realized that my skin literally needs scrubbing in a daily basis. I travel a lot. That means I am exposed to harmful factors affecting my skin. Sun, pollution, dust to name a few. So my skin tells me to make scrubbing a daily ritual. I use it on my face and body and I tell you what, it leaves my skin so smooth. I later learned that apricots contain powerful anti-oxidants that gently cleanse the skin. I get so into it, that I totally ditched using harsh soaps that I previously used. My skin type is basically oily and living in the tropics is not really a good combo so I decided to listen carefully to my skin. That necessarily meant that you need to try some products that you think might work on your skin. Better risk than gain nothing at all. I usually use anti-bacterial mild soap now which my skin really likes. For facial scrub you might opt to get an all natural oat facial scrub which are easily available in the market. Be it instant, quick cook or flavored it doesn't matter as long as it's an oatmeal. I prefer that classic oatmeal all original oats and what I do is grab a handful and squeeze it with lukewarm water and set aside the milky fluid and gently scrub my face with the oat meat and wash my face with the oat milky fluid. Because it's all natural you don't have to worry about any chemicals that other beauty products have. It is also a very good anti-oxidant that releases bad toxins from the body and it also contains lots of nutrients. I just used it tonight and guess what? I feel good. My skin feels soft. My face glows and my hands I used scrubbing my face are awesomely silky smooth! Try it! You might be surprised to see the result in just first use. Be beautiful everybody! Inside and out. Ciao. 

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