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Chronicles of A First Time Mom

Sunday, July 10, 2011

How To Remove Chewing Gum Stains On Your Clothes

Last Monday, I was totally pissed when I found out that my valuable dress had chewing gum stains. I don't even know where I got it from.  Gladly my Aunt's maid suggested that I use Ice Cubes and scrape it with a butter knife when it already hardens. It took me a while to do the whole process because the stain is three days old already and it is really hard to pick out. I have also thought of using the boiling process and the use of petroleum gas but I just decided for the safest one. 

What You Need:



1. Get Ice cubes and rub it continuously to the area of the chewing gum stains. This may take a long while since you are waiting for the gum residue to harden. I have used about 9 ice cubes for the stain on my dress.

2. When you see that the residues are sticking out a little bit, try to scrape it with a knife. 

3. While carefully doing the second step, brush it with a used toothbrush and your clothes will be as good as it previously were.

yep ice cubes and a little scrapping does miracle!


Mai Yang said...

+followed ^__^

love 2 type said...

you could put it in the freezer too and wait until the gum is completely dry/frozen. :P

Madhulika said...

very helpful tip..!! I really needed it... lol.. :)
keep writing..!!

Marian said...

@Mai Yang .: Thanks for following. I followed ur blog as well.
@love 2 type .: Thanks for the additional tip! :)
@Madhulika .: I appreciate it. thanks for sharing your page link. Your page is inspirational. I like it. <3