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Chronicles of A First Time Mom

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Newest Shoe Candy & a Shoe Story

I always thought window shopping is such a fun, exciting and cost-effective way of collecting images in your mind until you are finally decided what to buy. I don't just go for designs and styles. I dig for the comfort and I personally think that is the most important thing to consider. After all, it is not just for the purpose of adorning our feet but most specially our feet pleasure. What about you? Do you go for styles rather comfort?

I went shopping the other day and decided to look around for a cool pair of new shoe candy. And here's what I found!
Heeled Doll shoes, Polka dot Ballet shoes, and Spring Collection flats
{Even these too are lovely.}
Stripes and Knots flat shoes

I personally think that these gorgeous barbie doll shoes are rad! I am not a huge fan of ballet shoes but when I saw these my heart just melts in a snap. I wanted to buy the blue polka dot flats and the teal spring flats {about 23$ each pair}. I totally fell in love with the designs, colors and styles. What about the comfort? I must say that the spring flats are more comfortable. I would definitely head back to the store to grab another pair in my Mendrez Shoe collections. Needless to say, I got my wedding shoe from this store too.
My Wedding Shoe

Unfortunately, these is no way we could purchase  Mendrez shoes online yet as of this writing. But these are easily accessible in all nationwide stores in the Philippines. 

Talking About Comfy Shoes When Travelling
Worst thing that could happen to you when travelling is having a sore feet specially more so when you know you'll do a whole lot of walking! I missed that thought! I was so overwhelmed with the excitement and fun experience the whole situation is showering me that I missed putting so much attention on what's the right shoes to wear. As a result, I ended up whining because of the excruciating pain I got from my Impo slingback shoes

It almost ruined the whole idea of having the best time with the awesomest guy in the whole world. I love the shoes. But these are not just recommended for long walks and sight-seeing like we did in Hong Kong Disney and walking downtown to Hong Kong's Main Streets. Any second I know I would collapse because of the unbearable pain so we head our way to a local shoe store in the street. There's not much that caught my eyes but vintage heeled shoes and unattractive flats lying around the underground shoe basement. But looking through the top racks I found this beige backless loafer and tried it on not expecting any relief. But it did! It felt amazing not just because there's much room to move my sole and toes but also with the leather material used and the soft surface that touch the sole is just perfect for my sore feet. Surprisingly, I paid a whooping 47$ just for this pair. A bit too pricey but it's worth it considering the quality and the comfort. So we ended buying the shoes and here's how I looked in it:. 
{Was it a Yayy! Or a Nayy!!!}

I'd score it a Yayy! because it is such a relief to have those pairs around. I am so glad we bought it. I don't care if it looks pity awful for a fashion statement because feeling great with what you have is the best statement you could ever give yourself and show others without any pretention whatsoever.

Essential Walking Shoe Qualities:
  • Flexible: You must be able to bend and twist the shoes. When you take a walking step, your foot will flex as you roll through a step from heel to toe. If the shoe is too stiff, your foot will fight it with each step.
  • Flat: Walking shoes should have a relatively flat heel
  • Heel Not Flared: Since walkers strike with the heel first, you do not want a big flared heel. In fact, a slightly undercut heel is preferred.

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